It is forbidden to:
- Upload any DLL/EXE and similar malicious files
- Use auto-connect plugins
- Modify GameMenu, VGUI or practice any other forms of slowhacking
- Bind any default keys (W, A, S, D, SPACE, SHIFT, TAB), or to bind any forbidden cmds including CONNECT and SAY
- Boost fake servers
- Use any form of redirect
- Send any CMDs via SVC_DIRECTOR
- Change client rates (cl_updaterate, cl_cmdrate etc)
- Use plugins that destroy player's game, like Pika, GameDestroyer, etc
- Kick/Ban players nammed Fullserver (just because of the nickname) or change the name. (!) You can ban them if they cheat, spam or violate other server rules.
- Ban players based on their geolocation (like countries, cities, etc)
All servers MUST use FASTHTTP. All servers MUST be accessible 24/7!It's up to you to make sure our players can join your server. If your server is inaccessible for our CS 1.6 game client it will be banned. Link to our CS client